The need to make Lagos better prepared for climate change

The need to make Lagos better prepared for climate change

Climate change impacts are already evident in Lagos, but if left unmanaged or unchecked, more adverse impacts on various aspects of society in Lagos can be expected. Due to its low-lying coastal geography, uncontrolled urbanization, and poor infrastructure, Lagos is highly vulnerable to flooding. Climate change can through for example, more frequent and intense rainfall…

Tackling Nigeria’s needless water crisis

Tackling Nigeria’s needless water crisis

If we were ingenious, or even slightly serious, we could exploit any of- surface waters (streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, and canals), rainwater, shallow groundwater, deep groundwater or wastewater for our daily purposes. We are however, not serious and rather than optimize infrastructure and logistics to utilize the more renewable and sustainable sources (rainwater and surface…

The Niger Delta: A prescription for restorative justice

The Niger Delta: A prescription for restorative justice

The Niger Delta is among the 10 most important wetland and coastal marine ecosystems in the world. In its pristine state, it is a fascinating destination with rich biodiversity, tourism prospects, diverse culture and according to numerous accounts; amazing food. It is however, home to some of the largest oil fields in the world, the…

Nigerian Government and Climate Change Activists: Playing to the Gallery on Climate Change?

Nigerian Government and Climate Change Activists: Playing to the Gallery on Climate Change?

In recent time, there has been an unhealthy, exaggerated, hypocritical emphasis on ‘climate change’ issues in Nigeria. The federal ministry of health as well as environmental activists have with much fanfare, campaigned for climate change causes and participated in climate change summits and events. It is a scientific fact that climate change is indeed happening…